Results for 'Georgij Fedorovič Aleksandrov'

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    Istorii︠a︡ zapadnoevropeĭskoĭ filosofii.Georgij Fedorovič Aleksandrov - 1946 - Moskva,:
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  2. Istorija filosofii.Georgij Fedorovič Aleksandrov (ed.) - 1940 - Politizdat Pri Tsk Vkp (B).
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    "Sluzhitelʹ dukha vechnoĭ pami︠a︡ti": Nikolaĭ Fedorovich Fedorov (k 180-letii︠u︡ so dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡): sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ.Nikolaĭ Fedorovich Fedorov, A. G. Gacheva & M. M. Panfilov (eds.) - 2010 - Moskva: Pashkov dom.
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    “The silver age”, the crisis of humanism, the heritage of F. M. dostoevsky's art and Russian symbolism.A. A. Fedorov - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (4):246.
    The article deals with the human, aesthetic and spiritual problems of Russian symbolism in connection with development of a creative heritage of F. Dostoevsky. In the article N. Berdjaev’s point of view on development of humanism of the Renaissance type in Russia of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is given and a problem of the person in F. Dostoevsky’s prose is appointed. The author discusses a question on a degree and character of influence of problems of the person (...)
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  5. Voprosy dialekticheskogo i istoricheskogo materializma.M. G. Fedorov (ed.) - 1974 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t.
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  6. (1 other version)Psychological novel modifications and modern English prose (J. Barnes, J. Mc Ewan).A. A. Fedorov - 2012 - Liberal Arts in Russia 1 (1):14--22.
    The article dwells on human problems in the English postmodernism prose. A non-classical character of the 20th century literature is discussed. Postmodernism prose is described as a modern modification of the classical psychological novel. The author considers that the main theme in this prose is revealing a dramatic man'€™s position in front of a spiritless and senseless practice of modern society. The major components of the psychological novel poetics as a hero, plot, composition and psychologism are determined. The author analyzes (...)
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  7. Russkai︠a︡ progressivnai︠a︡ myslʹ devi︠a︡tnadt︠s︡atogo v. ot geograficheskogo determinizma k istoricheskomu materializmu.M. G. Fedorov - 1972
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  8. Sochinenii︠a︡.Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov, Arsenii Vladimirovich Gulyga & S. G. Semenova - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Myslʹ". Edited by Arseniĭ Gulyga & S. G. Semenova.
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  9. The conception of Umberto Eco’s literary art and representation of writer’s model ‘Umberto Eco - M-author‘.A. A. Fedorov - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (6):543-553.
    The development of the conception of U. Eco’s literary art is considered on examples of ‘Notes in the margins of the novel ’The Name of the Rose‘’, ‘The Role of the Reader‘, ‘From Internet to Gutenberg‘, and ‘Confessions of a young novelist‘. In the article, the non-classical character of literary creativity and theory of Eco is discussed that is realized through the transformation of some ideas and conclusions of semiotics, structuralism, post-structuralism, and postmodernism. In ‘Confessions‘ Eco talks about the relationship (...)
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  10. Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: Toward a New Metaphysics of Man.Nikolai Fedorov, Friedrich Nietzsche & S. G. Semenova - 2002 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (3):33-62.
    Of all the world thinkers on whom the author of The Philosophy of the Common Task [Filosofiia obshchego dela] reflected, the one to whom he devoted the most attention, thought, and passion was perhaps a contemporary of his who, though fifteen years his junior, had already thrown some "impossible" works in the face of a fascinated, flabbergasted, and shocked public and had lived for almost ten years outside the world of culture and history, in a state of complete insanity. I (...)
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  11. Logika Bernarda Bolʹt︠s︡ano: [K 200-letii︠u︡ so dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡].B. I. Fedorov - 1980 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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    Sobranie Sochinenii V Chetyrekh Tomakh.Nikolaæi Fedorovich Fedorov, A. G. Gacheva & S. G. Semenova - 1995 - Moskva: Izdatel'skaia Gruppa "Progress". Edited by A. G. Gacheva & S. G. Semenova.
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    F. M. Dostoevsky - Russian Renaissance - Renaissance Human Myth.A. A. Fedorov - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (5):395.
    The aesthetic and spiritual problems of a heritage of F. Dostoevsky in connection with the perception of his works in Russian culture of beginning of XXth century are considered in the article. N. Berdjaev’s estimation of value of Dostoevsky’s works for Russian Renaissance, when was active discussions the problems of the humanism and further development of the literature and culture, is given in the work. The author has paid attention to Dostoevsky’s activity in search of new opportunities of the literature (...)
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  14. Filosofii︠a︡ obshchego dela.Nikolaĭ Fedorovich Fedorov - 1928
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    Vladimir Solovʹev i pravoslavie.I. G. Fedorov - 2000 - Moskva: "Kovcheg".
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    “The English Renaissance of art”. From W. Pater to O. Wilde. Cultural-aesthetic aspect.A. A. Fedorov - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (5):363.
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    Three Problems of Ecology: Population, Resources, Pollution.E. K. Fedorov - 1974 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 13 (2):8-14.
    In his speech Academician Fedorov expressed the opinion that the political and ideological meaning of the problem of interaction between man and nature is fundamental for our conference.
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    Comte and Vygotsky: Revealing the unacknowledged commonalities.Alexandr A. Fedorov - 2023 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 43 (4):232-248.
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  19. Filosofsko-sot︠s︡iologicheskie problemy istorii obshchestvennoĭ mysli Rossii i sovremennostʹ: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.M. G. Fedorov (ed.) - 1979 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet im. Leninskogo komsomola.
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    Man And His Natural Environment (For the Fifteenth World Congress of Philosophy: Man, Science, and Technology).E. K. Fedorov & I. B. Novik - 1973 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 12 (2):3-25.
    Problems of the relationship between man and nature are becoming a steadily increasing portion of the questions facing modern civilization. Moreover, their character is changing significantly. Only two or three decades ago, the most acute problems were an unending list of "shortages" of one type or another, while the environment in which men lived was regarded primarily as a set of resources without which things could not be produced. Today it is the threat of excessive human influences on nature that (...)
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    Geography of sacral loci of socio-cultural landscapes in a polyethnic region.M. Yu Aksenova, V. N. Fedorov & A. K. Idiatullov - 2018 - Liberal Arts in Russia 7 (3):207.
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    Open Letter to Professor Gobar.Arčil Fedorovič Begiašvili, T. Blakeley, Guido Küng & Charles Duffy - 1982 - Studies in Soviet Thought 24 (1):37-42.
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    The functional role of science in the context of technological projects of the twentieth century.A. I. Lipkin & V. S. Fedorov - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (5):321.
    Our aim is to point out the role of scientific research in contemporary technological developments. Interactions between science and technology in the context of application-driven research projects of the 20th century are discussed. We define science and technology as two separate domains, and provide elementary models for their interaction by the means of applied and engineering sciences. These elementary models constitute linear and cascade models of science-technology interaction. We apply these elementary models for the purpose of further methodological analysis of (...)
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    Elemente Des körperlichen verständnisses der wirklichkeit in der ideenlehre platons.Aleksej Fedorovič Losev - 1970 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 114 (1-2):9-27.
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    The identifications of God in W. Golding’s novels.Yu A. Shanina & A. A. Fedorov - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (6):431.
    The comparative analysis of the W. Golding’s novels demonstrates that the identification of God is the central problem in the works of the famous English writer. Golding did not consider Divinity only in connection with Christian orthodoxy, rational view of the world. In his novels, God gets different embodiments according to the wide cultural tradition. The group of heroes is trying to determine Divinity by force of the religious ritual in such fables as Lord of the Flies, The Inheritors, Rites (...)
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  26. Istorii︠a︡ meni︠a︡: tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡ evropeĭskoĭ filosofskoĭ mistiki i stroitelʹstvo personalʹnykh mirov.A. A. Fedorov - 2006 - S.-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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  27. Dialektika tvorchestva: odnoznachnai︠a︡ mirovozzrencheskai︠a︡ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ formoobrazovanii︠a︡ prirody.Ivan Fedorov - 1993 - Tverʹ: [S.N.]. Edited by A. M. Lunev.
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  28. Istorii︠a︡ filosofii i sovremennai︠a︡ ideologicheskai︠a︡ borʹba: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.M. G. Fedorov (ed.) - 1981 - Novosibirsk: Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spet︠s︡ialʹnogo obrazovanii︠a︡ RSFSR, Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet im. Leninskogo komsomola.
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  29. Mirovozzrencheskie i ideologicheskie problemy v istorii filosofii: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.Mikhail Georgievich Fedorov (ed.) - 1983 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet im. Leninskogo Komsomola.
  30. Na osnove doverii︠a︡.Igorʹ Borisovich Fedorov - 1961
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  31. Politicheskii kurs v sfere mestnogo nalogooblozheniia v sovremennoi Rossii.Kirill Fedorov - 2003 - Polis 4:71-81.
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    Problema uma v drevnegrecheskoĭ filosofii.Konstantin Fedorov - 2021 - Irkutsk: Na Chekhova.
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    Summa antropologii.I︠U︡. M. Fedorov - 1995 - Novosibirsk: VO "Nauka". Edited by V. G. Fedotova.
    t. 1. Rasshiri︠a︡i︠u︡shchai︠a︡si︠a︡ vselennai︠a︡ absoli︠u︡ta -- t. 2. Kosmo-antropo-sot︠s︡io-prirodogenez cheloveka -- t. 3. Antropologicheskai︠a︡ istoriosofii︠a︡.
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    The types of codes and their combinations: Visual perception and visual art.Georgij Yu Somov - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (202).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2014 Heft: 202 Seiten: 481-509.
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    Chelovek v istorii russkoĭ filosofii: (k 60-letii︠u︡ Pavla Evgenʹevicha Shaposhnikova).A. A. Fedorov (ed.) - 2009 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Nizhegorodskiĭ gos. pedagogicheskiĭ universitet.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ obshchago di︠e︡la.Nikolaĭ Fedorovich Fedorov - 1906
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    Obraznai︠a︡ sostavli︠a︡i︠u︡shchai︠a︡ kont︠s︡epta time: diakhronicheskiĭ aspekt = The Metaphorical Component of the Concept TIME: Diachronic Approach.Mikhail Aleksandrovich Fedorov - 2013 - Ulan-Udė: Izd-vo BGU.
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  38. Sintaksicheskie struktury: aktualʹnye problemy issledovanii︠a︡: sbornik stateĭ.A. K. Fedorov (ed.) - 1996 - Orel: Orlovskiĭ gos. pedagog. universitet.
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  39. Zapozdaloe nachalo: Chto delatʹ? S chego nachatʹ.Konstantin Fedorov - 2021 - Irkutsk: Na Chekhova.
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    Codes, heterogeneities, and structures: Visual information and visual art.Georgij Yu Somov - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):219-233.
    Codes are mechanisms in which signs are actualized. They relate various sign sides to each other. These sign sides can be represented as heterogeneities (diversity, relations, differences), some are organized with the help of various differences – identities formulated in a specific way. The basis of the codes of visual perception and art are primarily the heterogeneities of the elements perceived directly (contours of objects, sizes, directions of movement, light and color irritants, etc.). A structure, conceived of as a manner (...)
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    The dialectic of artistic form.Aleksej Fëdorovič Losev - 2013 - München: Sagner. Edited by Oleg V. Bychkov & Daniel L. Tate.
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    Socio-psychological principles of supporting personality’s subjective well-being in contemporary society.Vadym Zavatskyi, Anatoliy Tkach & Andrii Fedorov - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 17 (3):37-40.
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    Wokół Szestowa i Fiodorowa.Janusz Dobieszewski, Nikolaĭ Fedorovich Fedorov & Lev Shestov (eds.) - 2007 - Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii.
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    Sovetskai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ nauka i ee problemy.Aleksandr Fedorovič Okulov - 1970 - Moskva,: "Mysl',".
  45. Polozhitelʹnai︠a︡ logika Dzh.John Stuart Mill, A. P. Fedorov & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1897 - S.-Peterburg: Tip. A.L. Trunova.
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    Semiotic systems of works of visual art: Signs, connotations, signals.Georgij Yu Somov - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):1-34.
    The analysis of works of visual art illustrates typical groups of elements and interrelations, which form semiotic systems of these works. Specific systems of connotations and their relations with semantic structures, paradigmatics, and typical signal structures are described. Like in linguistic texts, different levels are formed in complex images. The following basic level types are distinguished: sems and other units of semantic level; signs subdivided into: icons of represented objects and connotative sign formations; representamens of basic signs as interpreted by (...)
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    Connotations in semiotic systems of visual art.Georgij Yu Somov - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (158):147-212.
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    Metonymy and its manifestation in visual artworks: Case study of late paintings by Bruegel the Elder.Georgij Yu Somov - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (174):309-366.
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  49. Neobkhodimostʹ i sluchaĭnostʹ v filosofii Demokrita.V. P. Goran & Mikhail Georgievich Fedorov - 1984 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by M. G. Fedorov.
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    The role of structures in semiotic systems: Analysis of some ideas of Leonardo da Vinci and the portrait Lady with an Ermine.Georgij Yu Somov - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (172):411-477.
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